Data protection

Personal data protection

Data controller and purposes of processing :

Covr (hereinafter "Covr") is responsible for processing personal data for the following purposes:

Purposes of processing

Legal basis

Management of contracts and orders

Performance of the contract between us and our legitimate interests

Management of affiliate relations

Performance of the contract between us and our legitimate interest

Loyalty program management

Performance of the contract between us and our legitimate interest

Carrying out surveys and polls

Our legitimate interest

Customer feedback management

Our legitimate interest

Commercial prospecting

Our legitimate interest or your consent if required by regulation

Statistical processing

Our legitimate interest

Management of contact requests

Our legitimate interest

Management of claims and possible litigation

Performance of the contract between us and our legitimate interest

Categories of data collected and sources :

Covr processes the following categories of personal data: identification data (surname, first name, date of birth, etc.), contact data (email address, postal address, telephone number, etc.), areas of interest, payment and billing information, professional information (job title, professional email address, etc.).

Your data is collected by Covr in particular in the event of a request made directly on the website. They may also have been transmitted to Covr by its commercial partners with whom the latter contracts (advertising agencies, etc.).

The information collected by Covr and which is essential to meet the aforementioned purposes is identified by an asterisk on the collection forms. If you do not complete these mandatory fields, Covr may not be able to provide the service concerned.

Recipients of data :

Your personal data is mainly communicated/accessible to the following Covr departments:

  • Sales Department
  • Communication Department
  • Marketing Department
  • Information Systems Department

Your personal data may also be communicated to third parties (e.g. for hosting and IT maintenance purposes) for the above-mentioned purposes. Subcontractors acting on Covr's instructions will be required to implement appropriate protection measures. If Covr has partners located in countries whose regulations do not offer an adequate level of protection in terms of personal data protection, Covr will ensure that these transfers are carried out in accordance with French regulatory requirements (for example, implementation of contractual clauses adopted by the European Commission). You can contact our company to obtain further information on these subjects and a copy of the relevant documents.

Retention period :

Personal data processed by Covr is kept for the time necessary to fulfill the aforementioned purposes in accordance with applicable regulations. For example:

  • Data relating to commercial prospecting is kept for three years from the last contact;
  • Customer data is kept for the duration of the contract, plus the period of prescription.

Your rights :

You have rights in accordance with applicable regulations:

  • You have the right to request access to and rectification of your personal data held by Covr.
  • You have the right to request that we restrict the processing of your personal data, (i) if you dispute the accuracy of your data for the period of time necessary for us to verify its accuracy, (ii) if you consider that we are processing your data unlawfully and you request that we restrict its use rather than erase it, (iii) if we no longer need your data for the purposes mentioned above, but it is still required for the establishment, exercise or defense of your legal rights, (iv) if you exercise your right to object to our processing of your data, for the duration of the verification as to whether the legitimate reasons we are pursuing prevail over yours.
  • You have the right to request the deletion of your personal data. In the event of a request for deletion of your data, Covr may nevertheless keep it in an intermediate archive for as long as is necessary to meet its legal, accounting and tax obligations.
  • You have the right to ask to exercise your right of opposition at any time for reasons relating to your particular situation.
  • You also have the right to object to commercial prospecting, without having to give any reason.
  • You have the right not to be the subject of a decision based exclusively on automated processing and producing legal effects concerning you or significantly affecting you.
  • You have the right to exercise your right to data portability, which gives you the right to obtain a copy of your data or to have it transferred to a third party in a structured and commonly used machine-readable format.
  • You have the right to withdraw your consent to the processing of your data, at any time, where the processing requires your consent.
  • You also have the right to formulate directives concerning the conservation, erasure and communication of your personal data post-mortem. General directives (concerning all personal data relating to the person concerned) can be registered with a trusted digital third party certified by the CNIL (Commission Nationale de l'Informatique et des Libertés). Specific directives should be sent to Covr.

These rights may be exercised at any time by sending an e-mail via our contact form in the Contact section of the site.

You may also - if you wish - lodge a complaint with the Commission Nationale de l'Informatique et des Libertés (CNIL). Further information is available on our website