The key characteristics of a resistant kraft bag | Cove

Discover the essential characteristics that make a resistant kraft bag, ideal for your needs. Learn to choose the perfect kraft bag to avoid tears.

Importance of choosing resistant kraft bags

Kraft bags have become essential elements in many sectors of activity, whether for food packaging, packaging of everyday consumer products or even for promotional events. This is why it is essential to choose resistant kraft bags to guarantee an optimal user experience. 

Paper thickness: how to choose the right grammage for a resistant kraft bag

The thickness of the paper is a determining factor in the resistance of a kraft bag. The grammage, expressed in grams per square meter (g/m²), is an indicator of the thickness and robustness of the paper used. The higher the grammage, the more resistant the kraft bag. Therefore, it is important to choose a grammage suitable for the provided of the bag. For example, for heavier or bulky items, a kraft bag with upper grammage will be necessary to guarantee its solidity and avoid tears.

Good use practices

It is essential to respect certain good uses for use to maximize the resistance of a kraft bag. It is recommended not to overload the bag beyond its maximum capacity. This can cause tears and compromise the sustainability of the bag. It is also important to handle the bag with caution, avoiding sudden movements that could damage the material. Finally, it is advisable to store the bags in a dry place and out of humidity, because humidity can weaken the paper and reduce its resistance.

Overload and maximum bag capacity: maximum recommended capacity for a kraft bag. Each kraft bag has a recommended maximum capacity indicating the maximum load that it can bear without risk of tearing. It is essential to respect this capacity to avoid damaging the bag and compromising its structural integrity. When choosing a kraft bag, it is important to assess the quantity and weight of the items it should contain, in order to select a bag adapted to these requirements. An adequate maximum capacity guarantees the resistance of the bag and makes it possible to transport the items safely.

Appropriate use to prevent tears: To avoid tears in kraft bags, it is crucial to use the bag appropriately. When you put objects in the bag, be sure to distribute them evenly to avoid excessive weight concentration in a single area. Also avoid dragging the bag on rough or abrasive surfaces, as it can cause tears. It is better to lift the bag by holding it by the handles or using the straps if the bag is provided. A correct use preserves the integrity of the kraft bag and extends its lifespan.

How to choose the appropriate kraft bag according to my specific needs? (with or without handles, bellows ...)

The choice of the appropriate kraft bag depends on your specific needs. Different types of kraft bags are available on the market, each offering unique characteristics. If you plan to transport heavy objects, it is recommended to choose a bag with solid handles to facilitate transport. The lateral bellows are ideal for bulky items because they offer greater storage capacity. By carefully assessing your needs, you can choose the kraft bag that best meets your specific requirements.

Our selection of krafts bags

At COVR, we understand the importance of choosing resistant kraft bags to meet the needs of our customers. We offer a wide selection of high quality kraft bags, made from thick and robust paper. Our range includes bags with different capacities, handles and bellows, in order to respond to a variety of applications. Whether for the packaging of food products, promotional gifts or other uses, our kraft bags offer you a reliable and resistant solution.

Our selection of Kraft brown paper bags 80 g/m² At Covr includes:

  • Bags 22+10x28 cm
  • Bags 26+14x30 cm 
  • Bags 26+17x27 cm 
  • Bags 32+22x25 cm 

Whatever your use, our resistant kraft bags will meet your specific needs, whether for food packaging, promotional gifts or other applications. Trust cocvar to find the adapted kraft bag, guaranteeing a reliable, aesthetic and resistant solution for your packaging needs.

Choose the adapted kraft bag to avoid tears

Choosing a resistant kraft bag is essential to guarantee concern without worry and avoid tears. The thickness of the paper, the maximum recommended capacity and appropriate use are all factors to take into account when choosing a kraft bag. It is also important to assess your specific needs and select the adapted kraft bag according to these requirements. 

At Covr, supplier of large kraft bags, find a very wide selection of cheap kraft bags, available in various shapes and sizes as needed.

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