Can paper towels be composted, and how can I do it properly?

Yes, it is generally possible to compost paper towels, provided they are made from compostable materials. However, not all paper towels decompose in the same way, as some may contain additives or chemicals that are not suitable for composting. This is the case, for example, with the best-selling towels from Covr!

Yes, it is generally possible to compost paper towels.provided they are made from compostable materials. However, not all paper towels decompose in the same way, as some may contain additives or chemicals that are not suitable for composting.

Rest assured best-selling towels from Covr towels are made from natural materials, so they're easy to care for. 100% compostable 

Here are a few steps you can follow to compost paper towels properly:

Check composition


Make sure that the paper towels you wish to compost are made of natural materials and free from harmful chemicals. Avoid chlorine-bleached paper towels.

Check the composition Make sure that the paper towels you wish to compost are made from natural materials and free from harmful chemicals. Avoid paper towels bleached with chlorine.

Tear into pieces

If your towels are large, tear them into smaller pieces. This facilitates the decomposition process. 

Balance carbon and nitrogen

Compostable materials are classified as Compostable materials are classified as carbon-rich ("brown") and nitrogen-rich ("green"). Paper towels can be considered carbon-rich materials. Be sure to balance these materials with green waste such as vegetable peelings to create a balanced compost.into carbon-rich ("brown") and nitrogen-rich ("green") materials. Paper towels can be considered carbon-rich materials. Be sure to balance these materials with green waste such as vegetable peelings to create a balanced compost.

Add to compost

Mix paper towel scraps with other compostable waste in your compost heap. The micro-organisms in the compost will begin to break down the materials.

Maintain humidity and aeration

Compost needs a certain amount of moisture to promote decomposition. Make sure your compost pile remains sufficiently moist but not soggy. Turn the compost regularly to promote aeration.

Be patient

Decomposition takes time. Depending on conditions and materials, it can take several weeks to several months for paper towels to decompose completely.

the composting life cycle with paper towels

It's always advisable to consult local composting guidelines, as rules may vary by region. If you have any doubts about the compostability of certain paper towels, it's best to throw them in the garbage can rather than putting them in the compost.

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