Can Wooden Skewers Go in the Oven?

Wooden skewers are widely used in cooking, whether for meat, seafood, or vegetable skewers. However, a common question when using them in the kitchen is: Can wooden skewers go in the oven? While the barbecue is the usual choice for cooking skewers, the oven provides a practical and effective alternative for preparing these dishes indoors!

The pitfalls of using wooden skewers in the oven

Wooden skewers pose a risk of ignition when exposed to high heat. Unlike the barbecue, which usually operates at a constant temperature, the oven does not ensure that wooden skewers won't burn. At too high temperatures, the skewers dry out quickly and can ignite, especially if they are close to the heat source. Another issue is the drying out of the wooden skewers, which can crack or break under the pressure of the food during cooking. Additionally, if the skewers burn, it can affect the taste of the food and cause a burnt wood smell in the oven.

Chef secrets: How to prepare wooden skewers for perfect oven cooking?

Despite these challenges, it is entirely possible to use wooden skewers in the oven by taking a few precautions. Here are the essential steps:

1. Pre-soaking:

Before threading ingredients onto the wooden skewers, soak them in water for at least 30 minutes to an hour. This soaking saturates the skewers with moisture, making them more heat-resistant and reducing the risk of burning. This ensures safer cooking and prevents the food from absorbing an unpleasant burnt wood taste. To add a touch of flavor to the skewers, you can also incorporate some lemon juice, vinegar, or aromatic herbs into the water. This will subtly infuse the food while increasing the effectiveness of the soaking.

2. Moderate temperature

It is crucial to maintain the oven temperature moderate, ideally between 160 and 180°C (325-350°F). This allows for even cooking of the food without the wooden skewers burning or drying out too quickly. Avoid using the oven's broil mode, as this generates intense direct heat that can ignite the skewers and char the ingredients. If your oven tends to overheat, consider using a thermometer to ensure the temperature remains within the recommended range.

3. Regular monitoring

Regular monitoring is key to preventing the ignition of the wooden skewers. Check the cooking frequently, especially during the first 10 to 15 minutes. If the skewers show signs of excessive browning or charring, wrap the ends in aluminum foil to protect them from direct heat. The food should also be turned regularly to ensure even cooking and prevent the skewers from drying out in one spot.

Benefits of using the oven for skewers

Temperature control

One of the main advantages of using the oven for skewers is the ability to precisely control the temperature. Unlike the barbecue, where sudden flare-ups can burn the food, the oven maintains a constant and even temperature, allowing the skewers to cook more slowly and ensuring that each piece is cooked evenly. This is particularly useful for delicate foods like seafood or vegetables.

Ease of preparation

The simplicity of preparation in the oven is also a major advantage. The skewers can be placed directly on a baking sheet or in an oven-safe dish. This reduces the complexity of the process, eliminating the need to handle coals or clean the barbecue grates. You can also preheat the oven to a precise temperature, reducing the time needed to start cooking.

Indoor cooking

The oven offers an ideal solution when the weather does not permit outdoor cooking or when access to the barbecue is limited. This means you can enjoy skewers all year round, regardless of the weather. Additionally, the oven reduces the risks associated with smoke or flames, making it a safer option, especially for less experienced cooks.


Wooden skewers can perfectly be used in the oven, provided some essential preparation steps are followed. Pre-soaking, maintaining a moderate temperature, and regular monitoring are tips that allow you to fully enjoy this cooking method. The oven offers precise temperature control, simplifies preparation, and allows you to enjoy skewers all year round, regardless of the weather. By taking these precautions, your skewers will be cooked safely, evenly, and deliciously.

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